Thursday, February 11, 2010

{Rewire Collabo - pt.1}

Today we're going to start working on a project that involves working with both Reason and Pro Tools in slightly different ways than we've been doing up to now. Rather than explaining all the steps beforehand, I'd rather just have you jump into it. Here's what you need to do:

Step 1
In your Documents folder, create a New Folder and call it: your name_collabo1_audio

Step 2
  1. Open Reason.
  2. Create a Redrum.
  3. Hit the Tab button on your keyboard. The window should flip around to the back of the Rack and look like this:
  4. Find where the orange/red cables are coming out of the Redrum and right-click on them. Click Disconnect.
  5. Now, from each of the 10 slots on the Redrum, click and drag a cable from the top hole to the same numbered hole on the Mixer. When you're done, the back of the rack should look like this:
  6. Hit Tab to flip back to the front of the Rack. The Mixer should now look like this:
  7. Now go ahead and load sounds into the Redrum and make a beat.
  8. Put this beat into the Sequencer for 4 bars using Copy Pattern to Track. Be sure to turn off the Pattern button on the Redrum!
  9. Turn on the Loop On/Off button in the Transport.
  10. Save this beat as: your name_collabo1drums
Step 3
  1. On the Mixer, hit the Solo (S) button on Channel 1.
  2. Hit Play and listen to what is on that Channel.
  3. Go to the File Menu and click on Export Loop to Audio File
  4. In the window that pops up, make sure that you are going to be saving into the collabo1_audio folder that you created at the beginning of this exercise.
  5. Change the file name to whatever the instrument is (bass, clap, hi hat, etc.). Remember that if you have more than one of this instrument you need to number them ("snare 1", "snare 2", etc.)
  6. Hit Save.
  7. In the Audio Export Settings window, hit Export.
  8. In the Mixer, Unsolo Channel 1 by clicking on the S.
  9. Move on to the next Channel and solo it.
  10. Repeat steps 2-9 until you have exported each of your drum instruments as individual audio files. Skip any channels that don't have any sounds on them. Your collabo 1_audio folder should have a bunch of audio files like this:
  11. Save!

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