Today, on this soggy January afternoon, we're going to start the process of recording some of our MCs, vocalists and instrumentalists in class. We will be working on this for the next few classes. The goals are:
1) To get a complete song recorded quickly and efficiently for each of our artists .
2) For all the non-performers in the class to get some experience engineering the recording sessions.
The way this will work is, each artist will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to get their sessions set up, record and then transfer the sessions to the Shared Media drive.
Before your session starts, you need to create a new Pro Tools session, import the beat you're going to be working with, and transfer it to your folder on the Shared Media drive, so that it can be quickly transferred to the Instructor Station.
It is your responsibility to make sure the session is set up and ready to go (mics, cables, track inputs) and then goes smoothly. You are responsible for the quality of the recording (mic levels!!!) and for making sure that everything gets saved before the end of the session. You also must transfer the session to the artist's folder on the Shared Media drive before the hour is up.
If you are not working on a recording session, here is what you should be working on:
- Finish the MLK editing assignment from Tuesday, January 13. Turn in the Pro Tools session folder to Shared Media>Student Work>MLK Speech.
- Finish the Loop assignment. Turn in the Reason file (don't forget to do Song Self-Contain Settings!): Shared Media>Student Work>Funk Loop.
- Compose a new beat inspired by today's weather.
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