Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sampling: Copy, right?

Today, we're actually going to be taking a field trip and learning about the world of sampling and copyright in music. But first, a couple things...

  1. MAKEUP LAB - since a few folks have already been missing classes due to illness, doctors' appointments and family stuff, I am scheduling the first makeup class for this Friday, October 30, 3:30-7:30 pm. If you have missed any classes so far, I highly recommend that you come to this so that you can take care of those hours you've missed. Remember...you will not receive your stipend unless you have covered all your hours.
  2. I still need paperwork from a bunch of folks! If you aren't sure what you're missing, or what you need to do, come see me after class/during the break. I don't like to make threats, but at some point I have to tell people that they can't come to class because I don't have their paperwork. Let's not get to that point...
  3. I need everyone to do a quick online survey about this class. It's not a test, just a way for us to gauge how much information you already have when you start this class and then how much you've learned by the end. Click here to take the survey.

OK, so sampling...

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