Thursday, November 19, 2009

Song Structure (pt.2) - Intro, Bridge, Outro

Now that we are getting really comfortable with the Verse/Chorus format for our songs, let's take the time today to talk about a few other common parts of song structure that are used to make music more interesting: the Intro, Bridge and Outro.

  • The opening to the song.
  • Purpose is to builds suspense up to when the song really gets going (usually at the first Verse or Chorus).
  • A very common technique is to start with either the melody, or the drums but not both. That way, the listener is waiting for that missing element and is more excited when it finally comes in.
  • Can be as long as you want (just don't let the listener get too bored!). A common length is 4-8 Bars.

  • A short middle section that is different from either the Verse or the Chorus.
  • Often comes in after the second or third Chorus.
  • Helps to break up the pattern of Verse/Chorus/Verse/Chorus and keep the listener interested.
  • Usually 8 Bars.
  • The end of the song.
  • Brings everything to a close and makes the listener feel like they've come to the end of the story.
  • There are a few common ways to do an Outro: 1) just have the music end suddenly, 2) have it fade out, 3) bring in a new sound/instrument.
  • Can be as long or as short as you want, but it should feel natural for the song.
Let's compare these elements in a few tunes now:

So, for today, you are going to be finishing up the songs you started on Tuesday. By the end of today, I want everyone to turn in 1 (preferably 2 songs) that have all of the following parts:
  • At least 3 Verses, 3 Choruses, an Intro, a Bridge, and an Outro (fade out).
  • Verses should have at least 4 instruments
  • Choruses should have at least 5 instruments, including a Combinator.
  • Some variation in the instruments on the Verses (different instruments coming in at different times).
When you finish, put them into the Student Work folder on the Media Share drive. (Macintosh HD>dolly>Media Share>Student Work)

Please be sure to save these files with your name in the filename:

Example: your name_Song 1, your name_Song 2

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